
Timely information to help you retire successfully.

Retirement Planning – Preparing For Market Volatility in Retirement

September 22, 2022

While financial market volatility is often nerve-wracking for any investor, it can be particularly daunting for those who are close to or at retirement age. When market dips happen – such as the significant ones the markets have seen recently – investors need to sell more shares to raise the same […]

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How to Prepare Your Retirement for a Recession

July 28, 2022

If you’re getting close to retirement age – even if it’s a few years down the road – you’re likely a bit nervous about your retirement funds as well as your overall budget. Recent drops in the market have put a dent in most retirement accounts, and the news is full of […]

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Why Coordination Between Your Tax Professional and Your Financial Planner is Critical

July 7, 2022

If you’re like many Americans, you may employ a certified public accountant (CPA) to do your taxes. At the same time, you may use a financial advisor to maintain your investments or plan your retirement. But do these two people ever communicate except for a brief time during tax season? If not, you may […]

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Financial Planning – Don’t Get Caught by Common Post-Tax Season Mistakes

July 7, 2022

While tax season may be largely over, you could still be coping with the fallout from errors on your return. This may be leading to a delay in your refund, or it may simply be giving you an IRS-sized headache. The following are some of the most common mistakes Americans make when […]

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Prepare for Next Year’s Tax Season Now

July 7, 2022

Tax Day has passed, but it wasn’t long ago. You may not have yet recovered from the headache. So why would you want to think about next year’s taxes now? A little preplanning throughout the rest of the year can make the Tax Day headache – and tax bill — much smaller […]

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For Maximum Benefit, Introduce Your Accountant and Your Financial Advisor

July 7, 2022

Do your tax advisor or accountant and your financial advisor know one another? When it comes to your personal finances, they probably should. Both may have a lot of guidance for you, but working together, they can help tailor that guidance to give you maximum benefits, particularly come next year’s tax time. […]

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Should You Designate Beneficiaries on Your Financial Accounts?

March 30, 2022

The designation of beneficiaries is an often-overlooked task by many people. If you have a will, you may think you don’t need to make any beneficiary designations. But there are important reasons why you shouldn’t skip this step. The beneficiaries you name on your financial accounts supersede the heirs you have named […]

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You’re Planning to Retire. What Comes Next?

March 10, 2022

The idea of retirement at age 65 is an entrenched one. It’s the age many of our grandparents retired. The idea was to save enough money to live one’s golden years in comfort. In 2022, however, people are living longer, and the golden years may be lasting for decades instead […]

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Older Americans Fear Inflation Will Drain Their Retirement Income

March 10, 2022

For a variety of reasons, not least among them labor shortages, global political events, and the continuing specter of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. is facing once-in-a-generation inflation rates. According to Statista Research, the annual inflation rate in the United States increased from 3.2 percent in 2011 to 4.7 percent in […]

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Inflation – Back to the Future

January 16, 2022

Your financial advisor knows, inflation sometimes seems like one of those afflictions of an era long since passed into the history books. While it’s true that double-digit inflation has been absent for the last 30 years or more, you may remember the high inflation years of the 1970s.¹ Will the levels of […]

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