
Timely information to help you retire successfully.

Protecting Your Family with Comprehensive Estate Planning

December 14, 2022

Building up savings and a retirement plan takes decades. You do it to ensure that you and your spouse have a comfortable and secure lifestyle during your years of retirement. You may own your home outright and be confident that it’s increasing in value. Equally important, however, is ensuring that your wishes […]

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What is a Wealth Management Advisor?

December 14, 2022

One of the many downsides to economic turmoil is that many people become focused on day-to-day uncertainty, which leaves little room for planning for the future. When it comes to retirement, however, it’s critical to focus on the distant (or maybe not so distant) big picture. You may have an […]

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Financial Planning – Protecting Your Wealth in Arizona

December 14, 2022

In recent decades, wealth creation has become more difficult. As home prices and inflation have soared, the creation and preservation of a nest egg have become an accomplishment to be proud of. Just as the creation of wealth has become more difficult, so too has wealth preservation, particularly in a […]

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Financial Planning – Protecting Your Wealth in 2023

October 13, 2022

If you’ve spent most of your adult life creating wealth – not only for yourself but your family and your employees – you may be concerned with how to preserve that wealth. For many people, there is a worry about what would happen in the event of serious business losses (the […]

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Estate Planning – Tips for Getting Your Affairs in Order

October 13, 2022

In recent decades, wealth creation has become more difficult. As home prices and inflation have soared, the creation and preservation of a nest egg have become an accomplishment to be proud of. Just as the creation of wealth has become more difficult, so too has wealth preservation, particularly in a […]

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Estate Planning – Tips for Getting Your Affairs in Order

October 13, 2022

While no one likes to think about their death – particularly if they’re healthy and it seems a long way away – unforeseen circumstances can happen. For this reason, it’s a good idea for anyone with assets or loved ones to take the time to prepare the paperwork that will protect […]

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Retirement Planning – Protect Your Wealth by Retiring to Arizona

September 22, 2022

In recent decades, Arizona has proved to be one of the most popular destinations for retiring Americans. Between 2010 and 2018, Arizona’s median age rose by 5.8 percent, the fourth-fastest rate in the country. There is a reason retirees find the state attractive: it has mild winters, and the cost of […]

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Retirement Planning – How to Plan for Recession-Proof Retirement

September 22, 2022

If you think you have enough saved for retirement, you may want to check again. What might have seemed like enough just a few short years ago probably isn’t in the face of new realities: climbing inflation, potential recession, market instability, and declining social security and Medicare benefits that haven’t kept […]

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Planning for Retirement

September 22, 2022

The process of retirement isn’t simply about turning 65 and handing in your notice. Preparing for retirement is a decades-long process that involves lots of careful planning, prognosticating, and preparation. For starters, it requires years of saving, investing, and strategizing. Even if you make no mistakes, it’s still a process that can […]

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Financial Planning – Rebalancing Your Portfolio for Retirement

September 22, 2022

If you’re nearing retirement age, you may be wondering how to restructure your investment portfolio for the future. Investing in later life doesn’t look like it should earlier in your career: if you’re close to retirement age, you’ll want less risky scenarios to protect you from a downturn in the market. This […]

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